I changed my skin care routine recently and I have been getting tons of compliments from people who have no idea that I have a new routine. Not to mention that I can't stop touching my own face (I know! Bad habit...but it feels soooo smooth)...so I am going to let you in on my secret...

Every night right before bed I wash my face with my Clarisonic Mia 2 and Purity cleanser. I am a night showerer (is that even a word?), so I will also use this in the shower as it's completely waterproof. This alone is amazing, my face is incredibly smooth after. Once I rinse my face of that, I blot dry and proceed to use Mario Badescu's cucumber cleansing lotion to pick up anything the Clarisonic might have missed...which is usually nothing. Then I moisturize with Mario Badescu's seaweed night cream. If I wear makeup, which is pretty rare, I will always start off my routine by removing that first with Ponds makeup remover wipes.

I then take a clean mascara brush and lightly brush castor oil onto my eyebrows and eyelashes.

I've heard that Clarisonic is gentle enough to use twice a day. At first I was using it in the morning and at night, but I did notice some redness and irritation. As soon as I went to only using it once a day my results personally were much better. So in the morning I will usually do a normal wash with clean & clear deep pore cleanser and I use a lighter moisturizer for day time - Bare Minerals Purely Nourishing Moisturizer - this is my absolute favorite moisturizer...I do not use products for very long, but I am going on my third bottle of this...it's true love. Something new that I just started using in the morning is Ole Henriksen's colligen booster vitamin c, and cod fish liver oil at night, can't speak for the benefits of either just yet.

I try once or twice a week to also use a face mask. Things were working amazing for me using John Freida's clay mask and then I decided to purchase John Freida's peel off mask for these darn blackheads. Needless to say, the mask not only did not work, but it made me break out pretty bad.

To keep my face as clean as possible I always wash my pillow cases/sheets every week. While they are being washed, I sprinkle baking soda with lavender oil over my pillow & mattress and vacuum off an hour later. This keeps everything fresh, clean and picks up any dust mites that may be lurking!

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