Back in 2007 my dentist had told me the dreaded words that I never want to hear...that I needed all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. The top two ended up growing out normal on their own, but the bottom 2 were impacted/sideways. I have an older sister by 5 years so of course I had witnessed everything she got to do first and this was no exception. I tried and tried to put it off and did for a long time.

In 2012, I became pregnant with my daughter and my OBGYN had asked about my health. I told her other than wisdom tooth pain I was good. She freaked out and said I needed to get them done ASAP under local anesthesia because if they became infected, the infection could travel to the baby. Of course I didn't want that to happen but I was also a huge advocate of not doing anything while I was pregnant. I wouldn't even take tylonel, never mind get these damn teeth out.

I went to my dentist after this and my dentist refused to even do x-rays on my teeth. He didn't recommend getting the teeth out and said he could always prescribe something if they were to get infected. Okay, so I didn't get them out. My daughter was born January 2013 and I thought, if I can give birth I can get my wisdom teeth out. I didn't make the dreaded appointment until December.

In the meantime I read everyone else's story and scared myself solid! Not a good idea, yet here I am posting my story for all the other scared souls out there. I chose local anesthesia (novacaine & laughing gas only). I did not want to be put to sleep in any way. The morning came and my husband drove me (even though they said I could drive myself). I have asthma so they took my inhalers "just in case". I cried in the chair lol. They gave me the gas and I immediately started to freak. I didn't know how to take the mask off but I was telling the nurse to get it off me once she returned. But then...all of a sudden, the butterflies slowly disappeared and I felt okay. I wasn't loopy, just okay with what was about to go down. Then the oral surgeon came in and the butterflies reappeared, though not as intense. They shot me up with novacaine everywhere, including my tongue. That was uncomfortable. I got nervous about swallowing. I was panicking big time. The procedure began and it was just a lot of pressure. They took the 2 teeth on my right out first. Then, when they got to the left, I don't know if they turned my gas up or if the gas just kicked in but I felt great. I felt drunk...keep yanking those teeth, this feels amazing!! The nurse must have been able to tell I felt great bc when they were done, she took my headphones off and told me the party was over lol! The first day or 2 after wasn't so bad. I took Percocet every 4-6 hours on the hour. I ate KFC mashed potatoes. It really wasn't so bad.

But here I am, a month later, and my lower jaw bone is still incredibly sore and in pain. They said my left bottom had a root or nerve? somewhere they weren't expecting and it was a little harder to get out than they thought. But both sides still hurt. I am still taking IBprofen 600s every 5-6 hours every single day. I can eat normal, but it hurts after. The oral surgeon and my dentist both checked and said everything is healing great. I think I am going to call tomorrow to see why I am still in pain.

But there it is! My wisdom teeth story. Everyone asks me if I am relieved to finally have them out. I tell them no, the pain I feel everyday is not worth it. I'm sure once that pain goes away (if it ever does) then I will finally be relieved. But it is one less thing I will not have to worry about when we finally try for baby #2.


Hello! My name is Mychelle and I created this blog because I have a lot of experience with many different things in life that I would love to share! I'm hoping that my posts help and/or inspire. I am 26 years old, happily married with a one year old. I am addicted to makeup, couponing and anything that sparkles! I will probably mention a lot of products that I love, but I am in no way being compensated by any posts I make (I wish!) If you ever come across a post and you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!!